Dasani Adds Can Option
Coca-Cola Consolidated (Charlotte, NC), has announced that its popular Dasani water will now be available in 12-oz aluminum cans, in addition to plastic 20-oz, 1-L and .5-L bottles.
Dasani, which first went on the market in April of 1999, is a purified water enhanced with minerals. It has been one of the most successful new brands in recent years for Coca-Cola Consolidated.
"We have been thrilled with our customers' reaction to Dasani thus far," said Coca-Cola Consolidated spokesman Lauren Steele. "We think our customers would like greater choice in packaging of this refreshing product. We are pleased to be the first Coca-Cola bottler to offer Dasani in aluminum cans."
Dasani will be available in 12-pack cans and in individual servings in vending machines throughout Coca-Cola Consolidated's 12-state selling territories, beginning July 17, 2000. The Charlotte-based company is the nation's second largest Coca-Cola Bottler.
For more info: Lauren Steele, Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Consolidated, 704-551-4551.
Edited by Judy Rice