
General Purpose Flowmeter

Source: Micro Motion, Inc.
The Micro Motion R-Series flowmeter is designed to provide Coriolis flow measurement in general purpose applications
Micro Motion, Inc.otion R-Series flowmeter is designed to provide Coriolis flow measurement in general purpose applications with many of the same benefits as the company's high-precision flowmeter line. This flowmeter, designed for better product quality/control and less waste, measures the mass and volume of liquids, gases and slurries to within 0.5% of flow rate. It has no moving parts to wear out or break down, and mechanical installation is made easier with no straight run or flow conditioning requirements.

Three sizes of the flowmeters are available (1/4, 1/2 and 1 in.), with additional sizes to be released. Other features include a variety of standard process connections, milliampere and pulse outputs, and an options integral display. They carry hazardous area approvals for the USA, Canada, Europe, Japan, and other areas of the Asia-Pacific region.

The flowmeters, which provide an alternative to dP/orifice and other technologies used for general purpose applications, can be installed as part of a Bell 202 multidrop network, and feature the Hart communications protocol.

<%=company%>, 7070 Winchester Circle, Boulder, CO 80301. Tel: 303-530-8400; Fax: 303-530-8459.